Sustainability now accompanies us in all areas of life - professionally and privately, in our everyday working lives and in our leisure time. For us, our suppliers and our customers, the topic is also becoming increasingly important. Sustainable business practices include consistency, resource conservation, innovative product development and, of course, employee satisfaction. The range of topics in the area of sustainability is large and there is a lot to do.

In April, the first sustainability report of the KAMAX Group was published. In this report you will find information and explanations about local and global projects and measures. Short portraits of nexineer digital GmbH and the Robert Schröder Group show how the KAMAX Group is growing and what goals are associated with it. The explanations on human resources management document the diverse opportunities for training and further education as well as the offers that, depending on the global conditions, support employees in their everyday work. Another focus is on our efforts in the area of compliance. In addition to an overview of the KAMAX values you will also find a presentation of the new whistleblowing system. This offers the possibility to anonymously report misconduct so that we can continue to work together safely and trustfully. Finally yet importantly, it provides insights into our production world and the projects that were already sustainable years ago and are still successful. You can find the sustainability report on the website under Company.
KXpress · 2021 | 01