Step by step towards equality

Signing the ”Diversity Charter” (Charta der Vielfalt) in March, was our first official commitment towards a more diverse company. The Diversity Charter promotes the recognition, appreciation and integration of diversity. We believe that diversity is not only our social responsibility but a major key to an innovative, competitive and strong company. It is a key factor to be successful.
Our plant in Léon, Mexico took a big step towards that goal at the beginning of this year when “Women In Manufacturing” (WIM) was founded. It is a great initiative where female employees of the Mexican production plant take an active part in shaping their working environment. Together with their local HR they have developed a program that contains all kind of activities to find and strengthen their place in a (still) male dominated environment. Every month covers a different topic that supports their cause. When Chrisoula Angelidou, our Vice President HR, visited Léon in April, the “Motivation Female Leader Talk” was on the schedule. Of course, Chrisoula was up to the challenge and discussed leadership roles and techniques from her personal perspective.
The diversity charta
The Diversity Charter (Charta der Vielfalt) was initiated in 2006 in Germany with the aim to promote the acceptance, appreciation and integration of diversity in the world of work. Organisations that sign the Diversity Charter commit to creating a working environment that is free of prejudice. All employees should be respected equally – regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or worldview, disability, age, sexual orientation or identity.

Forklift training for spiring drivers
“We want the same opportunities”
The WIM group around Jazmin Zamora, Karla Anaya, Diana Belmudes, and Paulina Mendez covers measures on all levels. They tackle topics such as “Personal Finances” as well as “First Aid Training” and a “Breast Cancer Campaign” to raise awareness and support women’s health. The program also includes a birthday celebration for all female employees. To give women the opportunity to handle jobs that are currently only done by men, the June activity was called “Ride my Forklift”. Learning something that no woman is doing on the shopfloor in Léon is a big step towards equality in the working space. Jazmin Zamora summed up what her fellow campaigners want to achieve with this program: “We want the same opportunities men have. We want the chance to learn and e.g. operate special machines. We should be able to do anything on the shopfloor that our male colleagues do.”
Diversity is necessary to promote growth and learning in a group. Women In Manufacturing is a great initiative to get KAMAX closer to boost all of our employees success and to use it for the benefit of the company.