takes time
Is eleven months a long time? The answer generally lies in the eye of the beholder. One thing is certain, however: in terms of integrating a new company into the Group, it is just the blink of an eye. At the beginning of the year, KAMAX acquired an 80% stake in the Spanish coating company GALOL. Now, as the companies continue the merger process, the L’Olleria facility will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of its founding in December.
The company has met its goals for 2022 and its strategy for the future is already in place. That is the message delivered by Carlos Mena. As the current CFO of GALOL and former CFO of KAMAX Museros, Mena is an important link between these two companies, particularly when it comes to working with GALOL’s Managing Director Vicente Mompó. Although a great deal has changed since the company was integrated into the KAMAX Group at the beginning of 2022 (link to the KXpress article KXpress 01/22), the company has taken care to preserve the things worth saving. Our technology experts have already attended workshops at the facility in order to learn from their coating expertise. We are also working to gradually align quality management, financial processes, and management requirements with the Group’s overarching standards.
Every customer has been retained
GALOL continues to treat all parts coming from the KAMAX plant in Museros, which accounts for approximately 50 percent of the total volume. At the same time, the team is working to share GALOL’s coating expertise with the entire group, and in particular to make use of their capacities wherever our plants lack their own capacity. GALOL continues to work for other companies as well. We are delighted that the company has been able to retain all of its customers. Carlos Mena stressed that: “We clearly succeeded in letting customers know that they could continue to count on the excellent service for which the company has long been known – while also drawing on the wealth of technical expertise found in the KAMAX Group.”
This was also good news for Vicente Mompó. His family has been part of GALOL from the very beginning, so the company’s 50th anniversary has particular meaning for him: “The company has gotten where it is today thanks to a joint effort. Everyone who has worked for GALOL – they have all done this together. I’m really proud of how the company has grown, and of just how much this has meant to our families, and to everyone else who lives in Olleria.” He hopes that the company’s successful development continues, and that the honesty and integrity that characterize the people working at GALOL is retained as the company changes. Mena: “GALOL will continue to be a successful company.” That is why it makes sense that we work to strengthen the skills of employees on site while leveraging synergies.

50 years of expertise in surface treatment:
employee at L'Olleria with a coated screw
50th anniversary
The task within GALOL is to ensure that the future management team is ready to take charge in 2025. That is when Carlos Mena and Vicente Mompó will be stepping down. GALOL is a family-owned company with processes that have been in place for decades, and these processes are being carefully adapted for the change. Mena: “We are taking the time that is needed.” It is also clear to everyone involved that culture and values do not change overnight. Language skills are also causing some difficulties, as very few of our colleagues in L’Olleria speak English. Mena is certain that “With a bit of support and a lot of training, we’ll be able to overcome that.”
December will be dedicated to celebrating GALOL’s 50th anniversary. Hopefully the collaboration with KAMAX will pave the way for another 50 years in L’Olleria. Congratulations to everyone working at GALOL on their outstanding achievement!