“front man”
Whenever anyone in the KAMAX Group hears the name Hilmar Gensert, they automatically think of the Tools division. And “automatically” really is the operative word here, because over the past ten years in his role as the Managing Director of KAMAX Tools & Equipment he has had a huge impact on the unit in the areas of standardization, automation and digitalization. Hilmar Gensert will be stepping down from our management team as of the end of 2022.

Hilmar Gensert originally studied engineering cybernetics, a subject that has very little to do with toolmaking. Yet anyone who knows that cybernetics also deals with such things as the mathematical modeling of complex systems, for example, might have a pretty good idea of the things that Gensert has accomplished at KAMAX Tools in recent years.
Gensert joined the Group in April 2013. He had previously held positions in mechanical and plant engineering, as well as serving as managing director for a toolmaker. KAMAX has only just split off its tools division, and the new production hall had already been built. The primary goal at the time: to cut delivery times in half. Four weeks after starting out with the company, the brand-new Managing Director presented his initial idea for what would, just a few years later, be honored with the “Industry 4.0 Award”. Today there are already three fully automated and digitalized production lines in place. The “telescope matrices” line has been in operation since 2018, resulting in a manifold reduction in the time period between the receipt of an order and delivery to the customer. This simultaneously extends the service life of the tools, something that also reduces costs.
Patented system
This automation is made possible by a modular concept based on a simple principle. Although the number of variants that is needed for each tool can be immense, the basic structure of these tools is very similar. By standardizing the tool design, and therefore the raw materials required, it is possible to go straight from entering the details into the web front end to production using the so-called “telescope matrices”. Depending on the bolt/fastener design required, these parts are assembled individually to create a customized tool. The system has even been patented.
Hilmar Gensert sees this as his biggest success during his time at KAMAX: “It was a massive project that involved lots of different fields. We had to overcome a huge number of obstacles, but we never let ourselves get discouraged. If we succeed in driving the standardization and automation even further, this will give the KAMAX Group a significant competitive advantage.”
The manager is not thinking about quitting. He wants to assist “his” unit until his successor has been chosen so that it will be possible to ensure a smooth handover. He’s more than happy to stay on as the “front man” until that time. Managing employees with respect and open dialogue – these things matter a lot to Hilmar Gensert, so it should be no surprise that Tools & Equipment is a close-knit unit. Dr. Christian Ludwig has been Gensert’s colleague from the very beginning and appreciates just how good the working environment is: “I love working at KAMAX Tools & Equipment. People treat each other with respect, and KAMAX values are practiced. Mr. Gensert’s many years of experience in forming technology, a wealth of creativity, and his entrepreneurial daring have helped foster innovations that I believe will safeguard KAMAX’s long-term viability. He is a manager you can really look up to.”
Many obstacles have been overcome
One thing is clear: Hilmar Gensert has repeatedly overcome obstacles in his career, yet he has never lost sight of his goals. What is his vision for this KAMAX unit? Gensert is certain: “Tools has the potential to be a successful company in the marketplace. None of our competitors are currently able to offer the automated production lines that we have developed. If we make the modular concept our overriding production principle, I believe that we could at the very least double our sales per employee.” A web shop is already in development. Thanks to the fact that the modular systems run over the web, customers can initiate, configure and order their products directly from KAMAX. The delivery date and price are quoted immediately. As a smiling Gensert put it: “It’s like an Amazon for KAMAX customers.”
Anyone with this many ideas also needs to have time to switch off, and while he is not yet contemplating retirement, Gensert prefers to spend his weekends outdoors. He loves gardening, successfully grows bonsais, and is currently in the process of creating a Japanese Zen pond. There is no danger of him becoming bored.