Name: Ondřej Matocha
Position: Operator and setter of cold heading machines
Location: Turnov (Czech Republic)
Started at KAMAX in: 2013
Machine to operate: SACMA Cold Header 28D
My machine and me
What is your job at KAMAX, and what does it involve? What do you like about your job?
In short, my job is to supervise the production cycle of fasteners on this machine: from ordering the wire, loading the machine as well as the forming process and thread rolling to handing over the containers with fasteners for further processing, which is usually heat treatment.
What I value most about my job is the variety that it brings. You can never be 100% sure what tomorrow holds for you. Whether you are producing parts or making change-over or setting-up the machine.
Which machine do you mainly operate, what are its characteristics, and which parts are produced there? What do you like in particular on “your” machine?
The cold heading department in Turnov is situated on three separate shop floors, so we named them Cold Heading one, two and three. I work at floor number one where you can also find the oldest cold header from Turnov – MPA 6, which is about 55 years old.
“My machine” is a smaller Italian SACMA 28 (Cold Header 28D). This machine was recently in Germany for general maintenance for about a month. Still – as with all older machines – some problems occur, but thanks to our own maintenance, most things can be fixed. On these cold headers, KAMAX produces fasteners with threads and an average diameter from M6 to M8 and a length from 14mm to 65mm.
What challenges do you have to master when working with the machine?
The biggest challenge on this machine is the effort I need to put in to start the sampling assembly KX 803 097. It is only a pressing process for the commonly produced KX 962 part. The part is cut and thus creates waste, which is obviously undesirable. But as a team, we master every challenge. That is why I would like to thank all my colleagues at Cold Heading One for their cooperation.
What do you do when you are not working at KAMAX?
When I am not at work, even though I like cars, I mainly focus on my family. After the birth of my son Daniel, everything at home revolves around him.