562 kilometers in five days
You might already have heard the story. Still, it is worth being told more extensively: It is not unusual for people to move back and forth between our plants. Cars and trucks complete this distance every day. However, eight Czech colleagues set new standards this summer and journeyed to Homberg by bicycle.
Arrival in Homberg after 562 kilometers
„When it was a done deal that we would have a KAMAX soccer tournament in Homberg, Pavel Tušer came up with the idea of traveling the route by bike rather than by bus,“ says Jakub Malý, one of the cyclists. His colleagues cycle at least 50 kilometers a week in preparation; he even tops this with 1000 kilometers per month on his mountain bike.
The pre-planned route to Homberg promised to be a scenic enjoyment. So Jakub Malý, Pavel Tušer, Jaromír Líbal, Petr Stárek, Petr Klus, Miroslav Horňák, Marek Slavík, and Jan Srb set off on their racing- and mountain bikes in the best weather conditions. Vladislav Bým accompanied the group with a support vehicle.

Just one of many sights along the route
Daily routine in the afternoon
First, the journey went through the Liberecký kraj in the north of the Czech Republic, then through Saxony and Thuringia, before the final leg in the middle of Germany awaited. The team stayed in small apartments that they had booked in advance. In the afternoon, a daily routine was on the agenda, a „B2B meeting“ – meaning a „beer-to-beer meeting“ as Jakub Malý laughingly describes sitting together after completing the day‘s route target.
When arriving in Homberg, the cyclists received a warm welcome. Colleagues from various departments had prepared food, drinks, and banners to reward the men from Turnov. „The arrival was very emotional,“ says Jakub Malý, who, despite the rain on the last day, looks back on an overall successful trip!
We take our hats off to all participants for this outstanding performance!