A Dog’s Tale: from Stray to Family
In León, Mexico, a local dog has captured the hearts of the local workers.
There are many stray dogs that can be found all around Mexico. One in particular in the area named “Chata”, was one of these strays. Chata is a white pit-bull who is around 5 years old. She would spend her days wandering around the north side of León, trying to avoid traffic and looking out for where she was going to eat.
Then one day, she stumbled around the KAMAX León plant, where she would visit the front gate employees. Her kindness and her love of a good belly rub made her a favorite amongst the guards. Her visits to KAMAX became more and more frequent. A food and water bowl were left out and a small shelter was created to keep Chata out of the sun. After a few weeks, she became a central figure of the KAMAX León plant.

Chata and one of the security guards at the plant in Mexico

Every morning, when anyone enters the facility, Chata is waiting with a smile to greet all employees that start their day. As time has passed, Chata’s presence was felt across the plant. Aranzaz Linan became one of the early members who would regularly check on the wellbeing of KAMAX León’s new furry friend. News of Chata’s arrival spread quickly throughout the office, and it wasn’t long before the compassionate nature of our team members came to the forefront. As the days turned into weeks, Chata’s bond with the team grew stronger. She became an unofficial mascot, bringing smiles to everyone who entered and exited the facility.
Helping together after accident
In the beginning of this year, workers entering the facility were shocked to see that Chata had been struck by a passing motorcycle and had several bad cuts to her body. Without hesitation, colleagues took action and immediately rushed her to the local veterinarian clinic. The doctor stitched her up and expected a full recovery. In response to this, flyers were put up around the plant asking for giving employees to help contribute whatever they could to help cover the expenses.
The team rallied to pay for her treatment. After a few weeks, Chata recovered and returned to her normal self again, wagging her tail, asking for belly rubs, and greeting all those Chata’s journey from a lonely stray to a welcomed member of our extended KAMAX community is a testament to the power of kindness and the remarkable bonds that can form between humans and animals. Her story reminds us that even the smallest acts of compassion can make a difference.