KAMAX connects Our new intranet by and for all of us

It is a joint project – one of many, yet something different: we launched the new KXConnect intranet at the End of last year. A project which is probably rare in the scope of collaboration across national and departmental boundaries. Intending to connect better the KAMAX worlds, a project team of around 30 people worked on the sites globally. The result is an intranet that provides information for colleagues working at KAMAX for many years and those who have only recently joined the “KX” team.

Version 1.0 existed in parallel with the old intranet to ensure everyone had access to quality audit-relevant documents and that everything had been moved. The old intranet is now almost part of the KAMAX history book, and that's probably a good thing. The system on which the old intranet ran was getting on in years, and the risk of it crashing overnight and not being recoverable is too great. With the new KXConnect, we have many more options for exchanging information without worrying that the system will stop working tomorrow. More modern and easier to use, everyone can find something they didn't know. Whether you're looking for information about the other companies in the KAMAX universe, the latest letter template, the right contact person in IT, more information about your benefits, or want to know what the other teams are up to – you'll find it here. You will also find facts and figures on the other plants and regions. We have two navigations for this the local page navigation and the global navigation, which is always visible no matter where you are. The global navigation takes you to overarching department pages, to the regions and our plants, or updates from our management. On the homepage, you will find information on the most important applications, KAMAX as a company, and an A-Z with the most important information. We also present the company’s core topics in short articles. The video shows you how to navigate safely through the new intranet.

A project like this is never 100 percent complete; there will always be new opportunities and information, so KXConnect is also a place where there are new things to discover daily. The headline already says it: The new intranet is one by colleagues for colleagues. If you have any further ideas for content, please get in touch with the respective site managers or – for the homepage with Global Communications & Marketing. Together, we can bring our worlds a little closer.

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