Dear colleagues,
This is the last issue of KXpress for the time being. Many thanks to all our readers, for your feedback and your ideas over the last few years.
Your KXpress editorial team

Dear colleagues,
This is the last issue of KXpress for the time being. Many thanks to all our readers, for your feedback and your ideas over the last few years.
Your KXpress editorial team
There are many different teams in our KAMAX world, and each and every one of them has their own unique features, rituals and histories.
20% higher speeds, longer bolts and automated production steps
Our new intranet by and for all of us
For about six months now, the KAMAX Group has been under a new two-person management team: Reinhard Rupprecht and Christoph Görtz.
What is better than a new order? Two new orders! We have launched some major new projects in Lapeer (USA) for John Deere and Ford.
Whenever engineer Claudia Pöggeler-Ribas tells people that she’s off to play padel, she’s generally met with incomprehension. What in the world is she talking about?
How familiar are you with KAMAX?
Felipe Sales started as Managing Director and Plant Manager in Museros, Spain at the beginning of December.
Sergio Almonacid, Autonomous Production Group Coordinator
On December 4, 2023, the team in Turnov opened a new training center for cold forming.
Rose City, Michigan (USA) and León (Mexico) are separated by 3,600 kilometers.
Our company’s original location in Osterode (Germany) has just been through two very intensive years that demanded a great deal of the team on site.
With total Group sales of € 1,103 billion in 2023, we were able to increase our business volume by 7 % compared to 2022.