Jörg Steins, CEO KAMAX Group

Dear employees,

at the beginning of the year, we all saw the light at the end of the tunnel: A slowdown in the pandemic and time to breathe a sigh of relief – time to get back to the new normal. Then the war of aggression on Ukraine started at the end of February effecting Europe and in close proximity to our location in Bardejov. A war that deeply affects me!

The impact of this war on the global world economy is not yet fully foreseeable. Effects such as higher gas and energy prices are already being felt by many of us in our private lives. We are doing everything we can to minimize the possible consequences for KAMAX. So far, we are succeeding really well.

This is mainly due to the efforts of all of you! And that’s exactly why this issue is all about saying “thank you”; Be it for the continuous implementation of our pandemic measures, the support of the individual large and small projects that often come on top of our daily work. Time to say thank you to people like Vladimir Košíček, who is retiring after more than 27 years at KAMAX in Turnov and who has built up the most successful plant of our company.

Above all, thank you for your cohesion! We see how you support the affected people from and in Ukraine in the European locations. We as a company are also helping with targeted donations. We also see this special cohesion among ourselves in Alsfeld, where people are staying united right down to the last screw produced.

However, there are some things we cannot influence, because as a supplier we are often dependent on external circumstances. Will we continue to stick to our set targets this year? Yes, we will! It is an important year for us as a company to continue on our path “Back to the top!”. 2022 is a year in which we want to push important projects forward and reap their first rewards. Due to the current situation, probably with one or the other planned extra step.

But I am quite sure that together we will take KAMAX a big step forward this year, despite the global crises, a step further on our journey back to the top of the best suppliers worldwide!

It remains my time to say to you: Thank you!

Jörg Steins

Congratulations on 25th and 40th anniversaries with the company

25 years

John Hinz, 15.01.1997

Francisco Peña Tornero, 21.01.1997

Ertan Melik, 20.05.1997
Cemal Sentürk, 05.05.1997
Peter Schroppe, 02.01.1997

40 years

Lothar Siebert, 18.01.1982

Antonio José Díaz Romero, 01.02.1982
José Alamillo Fernández, 15.02.1982


KXpress is the employee magazine of the KAMAX Group. It is published in Chinese, German, English, Spanish, Czech and Polish.


KAMAX Holding GmbH & Co. KG,
Dr.-Rudolf-Kellermann-Straße 2,
35315 Homberg (Ohm), Germany

Editorial Board:

David Cazares, Nicholas Langlois, Ursula Pardo, Barbara Hadyova, Barbora Koukalová, Jakob Sänger (Editorial manager), Lili (Athena) Ge.

Articles with author names do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editorial board and the KAMAX Holding.