Vladimír Košíček presents Czech President Miloš Zeman with a bolt during a visit in Turnov

“I am not a fair weather captain”

Vladimír Košíček has been Turnov’s plant manager for more than a quarter of a century and has built up the site into the economically strongest of the entire KAMAX Group. After 27 years with KAMAX in the Czech Republic, he is leaving for a well-deserved retirement. This is a conversation about challenging early years, quick decisions, the old school and memorable Christmas parties.

What do you think of first when you reflect your career at KAMAX?

I was always motivated by the fact that we are a family-run company with a special atmosphere and the prospect of building something fundamental! I especially remember when we started production in Turnov on a machine line that had already been written off in Germany. My first office was just a wooden shack. And yet we acquired new customers for the whole group who had not worked with us before and have been cooperating with us ever since, such as Continental.

The place where it all began: Plant premises in Turnov in the 1990s

Why did you decide to join us back then? What convinced you?

I can remember the decision-making process well. At the time, I was also offered a position at another large international company, but I was attracted by the professionalism and behavior of the management at the time. The evaluation process took place in five rounds, with the last round being attended by Eugenie Burgholte, the daughter of the founder Rudolf Kellermann, and in the presence of other GEB members. These people convinced me with their attitude, so that I wanted to work for KAMAX.

How have you managed to develop our site in the Czech Republic so exceptionally well? What is your recipe for success?

Surrounding yourself with the right people who appreciate the company as I do and are obsessed with the work. I talk to our employees at all levels every day and visit the workshops regularly. This reminds me of the style of the company‘s founder, Rudolf Kellermann. It is interesting how much mankind has advanced technologically since that time, yet success is based primarily on working with people – that has not changed.

What exactly does your working day look like?

The day really starts at 6:15 am at the plant. That‘s where I am every day. There‘s a plant tour and short meetings with quality, logistics and production, and then everyone together. Good communication is actually the most important thing. And the whole thing only takes 20 minutes, everyone is well prepared. Then there are only decisions made, no blah blah without results! I‘m still old school, sometimes a bit military (laughs).

What do you generally put particular emphasis on in your position as plant manager? What characterizes your management style?

Of course, my goal has always been to ensure that good results are maintained and that the established key performance indicators (KPIs) are met, to continue to improve and to strive for progress. At the same time, I want employees to enjoy their work and have the opportunity to be involved in what is happening in the company and to understand and participate in decision-making.

What are the biggest successes you have achieved?

A motivated, satisfied team with minimal fluctuation. The excellent reputation of an employer and the KAMAX brand in our catchment area. According to the Governor of the Liberec Region, we belong to the real top. Last but not least, the so-called KAMAX Awards were also a great motivation for me. Our plant has been regularly recognized for the results achieved in various categories since the year 2015.

What are the funniest, craziest and strangest moments when you think back on your entire career at KAMAX?

Cheerful Christmas parties and family days full of atmosphere – I‘ll never forget them. We used to hold them every year before the COVID pandemic, always with over 100 employees. I still remember one year when Martin Cerny, who is leadsinger in a Rammstein cover band, composed and performed a song together with colleagues. Then there are usually a few beers as well (laughs). Those are nice evenings where everything fits together.

What advice can you give to employees in Turnov and worldwide to continue to be successful?

It is important that people have the opportunity for self-fulfillment, that management positions are filled with the most motivated people who, with their enthusiasm for the cause, are the engine for the further development of the company. In the evaluation process, especially for management positions, it is particularly important to include internal, proven applicants who already know our proficiencies and we, in turn, know them.

Initiated and built up by Vladimír Košíček: The two plants Vesecko (top) and Nudvojovice (bottom) at the site in Turnov

You are now passing the plant on to the next generation, and you personally helped to build up your successor – what would you like to pass on to Tomáš Hájek?

I wish my work son – figuratively speaking – only the best. That he, together with the others, will be able to turn our Turnov express train into a Shinkansen [Japanese high-speed train with a top speed of over 200 mph].

Will you now devote your retirement entirely to your racing bike and grandchildren? Or do you have any special goals for the next few years?

I haven‘t had time to think about that yet, as I‘m still fully committed. The truth is, however, that family is the foundation for me. If it were not for the environment that our children and now grandchildren have created, I would not be able to perform my responsibilities with such dedication. I owe a lot to my whole family. A special thanks goes to my wise and all over supportive wife. Without her, I would never have come this far. She is the manager of the family and always does it perfectly. When I come home, I can always count on a nice atmosphere and that is very important for me. Sometimes I come home and I‘m not in a good mood. That‘s the way it is (laughs). I‘m not just a fair-weather captain. When she sees my face, she knows exactly what‘s going on. But when I‘m around her, I quickly get back into a good mood!

The whole KAMAX world says THANK YOU! Many thanks for 27 years of tireless commitment to our company!

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