Solidarity with the people of Ukraine

Since the end of February, a war has been raging in Europe again, that many people could not and do not want to have imagined. We look with great concern at the current situation in Ukraine and as KAMAX condemn the war of aggression of the Russian government in the strongest possible terms. Our sympathies go out to the affected people on the ground, to our colleagues who have family and friends in Ukraine and to our teams in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. The effects are particularly visible there, because many people fleeing Ukraine find their first place of support here in their search for a (temporary) home.

As a company, we support the comprehensive sanctions against Russia with the utmost conviction and are doing our part to alleviate the suffering of those affected at least somewhat by making targeted donations to aid organizations. On the first Friday after the beginning of this war, we donated to the international aid organization Caritas, which is providing direct support on the ground. In a second step, we are helping specifically where our help will have the greatest effect.

For example, in Bardejov (Slovakia) we support various initiatives, such as the elementary and high school T. Ševčenka in Prešov - the only school in Slovakia where the Ukrainian language is taught and children from Ukraine can go to school. At the same time, we help the organization AREGALA "Cooks without borders", which provides hot food at the border crossing, day and night. In addition, there are financial grants for co-workers who provide private accommodation for refugees. In Turnov, among other things, the activities of the city are financially supported as well as many colleagues who privately help people in need to provide them with the most basic necessities.

This war and the ongoing sanctions are having an impact on the people of Ukraine. At the same time, it is also affecting the economy in Europe and other parts of the world. In the private sector, for example, many of us are feeling this in terms of increased energy prices. We are therefore adapting our planning as best we can to potential impacts. We have no production sites in or important suppliers from the region around Russia, Belarus or Ukraine-so we are not directly affected. The actual impact on our sites will only become clear in the coming weeks when we can assess more precisely what the impact will be for our direct customers. Fortunately, our production is currently running as normal.

We all hope that solutions will soon be found in this war and that the terrible suffering of the people on the ground will be alleviated. At the same time, we know how complex the current situation is and that we will have to deal with the effects of the conflict for a long time.

The support of the affected people in Europe and especially from our KAMAX locations is a great ray of hope and we would like to thank them for their humanity. Every single help, whether private or professional, whether donations in good, monetary support or a roof over the head, is important.

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